Saturday Cup of Joe from Detroit

6 min readFeb 29, 2020


Week 199 in Detroit. The extra day. This means today doesn’t count right? It’s like a free day.

Speaking of days, Wednesday is 3/4. March fourth. My high school social studies teacher like to say, “The only day that’s also a command.” March forth!

Long days and early mornings made for a fast (but productive!) week. This was one of those weeks that I always claim I want — diverse projects, dynamic meetings and intentional time with my team. The catch now is a). enjoy it and b). balance it out. Hopefully next week will come with some earlier evenings and more consistency.

Have a wonderful weekend and thanks, as always, for reading.

“A good leader leads the people from above them. A great leader leads the people from within them.” — M. D. Arnold


A horde of migratory snow geese taken by Dan Hinkle at Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area near Kleinfeltersville, PA. Source: Hiking & Backpacking Pennsylvania by Patti Hinkle.


“Interesting but not actionable is also not helpful.” In fact, interesting might be worse than wrong. Insight or data — that’s wrong — means the project will fail (at least to some degree) only to lead to improvement. Insight or data — that’s interesting — could cause repeated attempts or false belief in the outcome. Interesting AND actionable is ideal. But insight without application is dangerous.

How does this apply to your business? Take an insight — consumers (in a study) offered a free $10 Amazon gift card versus a $20 Amazon gift card for $5 overwhelmingly choose the $10 card. While this represents the power of free, it’s not immediately actionable. It’s interesting and perhaps over time or with some finesse you may be able to apply it to your next marketing campaign, it’s not actionable.

How do you parse interesting from actionable? Do you have a process to get at the actionable insights?

And if you do…

Please share!

Incorporating storytelling into data-based decision-making is the ideal balance of motivating the audience (even an internal audience) to action.


“There’s no free lunch.” Do you still believe that? Visit Google and you’ll find there is free lunch. Free kombucha. Free sushi. Free…




Thinker, curious leader, once an attorney…always trying to answer well. Working on what’s next and next and next.